SQL Server Monitoring: Keeping track of missing index requests

A lot of us turn to execution plans when we see a slow running query, and it’s not uncommon to see missing index requests. If you’re a developer who comes across a missing index request in their execution plan, keep in mind that there can be more than one request in a single plan!

Besides that fact, your SQL Server is keeping track of the missing indexes that your queries request. They’re all stored in dm_db_missing_index_details, and a few other views.

The limitations of dm_db_missing_index_details

Here’s the biggest limitation: This DMV is reset every time your server reboots. It’s also database-specific. Oof. Well, what can we do about that?

I’ll provide a sample script of a way to collect this information at the end of this post. Let’s walk through a query that requests a missing index, then log that.

WHERE AnswerCount = 10
93% impact

Great! Now we need a table. Please feel free to make your own, here’s one I created for this example.

Create table and script to store missing index details

CREATE TABLE MissingIndexLog 
table_name nvarchar(4000),
database_name nvarchar(128),
equality_columns nvarchar(4000),
inequality_columns nvarchar(4000),
included_columns nvarchar(4000),
user_seeks bigint,
user_scans bigint,
avg_total_user_cost float,
avg_user_impact float,
server_name nvarchar(128),
insert_datetime datetime2 DEFAULT(GETDATE()))

And here’s our query to insert into that table. This query could be wrapped in a stored procedure if logging locally, or converted into two separate parts if you want to collect from a remote server.

INSERT INTO DBA.dbo.MissingIndexLog
(  table_name,
SELECT statement,
FROM sys.dm_db_missing_index_details as detail
  JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_groups as groups
    ON groups.index_handle = detail.index_handle
  JOIN sys.dm_db_missing_index_group_stats as stat
    ON stat.group_handle = groups.index_group_handle
--1 row affected

Let’s take a look at the result set.


Click image to magnify

Excellent! So in the table name, we get the database name. We can also see the average user impact was logged directly from the execution plan I showed earlier.

I hope this was useful! I recommend at least logging this information between server reboots. Feel free to capture more frequently.

Stay tuned!

SQL Server Monitoring: What queries should you monitor?

I previously wrote about measuring wait statistics. This matters a lot, because you can track historically what wait statistics are generated during your normal workload, and then compare to your current wait statistics.

Once you’re measuring that, what else should you be measuring? Well, I’d say your plan cache. Lots of people have their personal plan cache scripts. I’m just going to use sp_BlitzCache, for a few reasons. First, it’s free. Second, setting this up is super easy.

Go get the First Responder Kit

Once you have that set up and installed, logging the top queries from your plan cache is super easy. Let me run a workload from SQL Query Stress to get some queries into cache.

I didn’t give the table definition on purpose, I’ll provide that later. First, let’s use our DBA database and log the plan cache to a table.


EXEC sp_BlitzCache @OutputDatabaseName = 'DBA', @OutputSchemaName = 'dbo', @OutputTableName = 'PlanCacheLog'

Now, let’s take a look at this data.

SELECT * FROM PlanCacheLog
Click the image for better quality

That’s a lot of information. Scroll all the way to the right side.

Among a lot of other information we’ve captured, we have both the query text and the query plan from cache, along with the CheckDate telling us when the plan cache was written to this table.

This kind of information is invaluable for performance tuning, especially if there was an issue at that time.

About SQL Server monitoring

In the post I wrote about monitoring wait statistics , and in this post, I’m describing ways to gather troubleshooting data. You can put these two scripts into SQL Agent jobs, or run them at your leisure to build your own monitoring.

These are not a replacement for a good monitoring tool, like SQL Sentry, Idera Diagnostic Manager, etc. If this data is useful to you, I recommend looking into one of the performance monitoring vendors to see how their solutions could help you.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned, and read on if you want to hear about the problematic query example.

Finally, about the problematic query

I use this query to demonstrate implicit conversions. Here’s the table definition and the script I was using in SQL Query Stress.

CREATE TABLE dbo.Students(Names varchar(100) NULL)

ON dbo.Students(Names)

SELECT DisplayName FROM StackOverflow2010.dbo.Users
--299,611 rows

SELECT Names FROM Students
WHERE Names = N'Arthur'

And the resulting execution plan:

The “N” before Arthur is declaring the value as an NVARCHAR data type. Therefore, when the query runs on this table, it has to scan the entire table. Fixing this data type will dramatically change this execution plan.

SELECT Names FROM Students
WHERE Names = 'Arthur'

Why? (Implicit Conversions)

I’ve found a lot of implicit conversions while working on performance. The reason that SQL Server does an implicit conversion is because the data types are compatible. Varchar values can be converted to nvarchar like in this case, and there’s a whole list of compatible data types.

Implicit conversions are a problem when an entire column has to be converted. In the highlighted red box above, look at the CONVERT_IMPLICIT. It’s a function wrapped around the column, Names. When the correct data type is used down here at the bottom, it’s not an issue.

Implicit conversions deserve their own post, I don’t feel like I did justice to how much of a problem they can be. Stay tuned for more!

How many plans are in the plan cache for a stored procedure?

It depends on where you’re looking and how many statements are in the stored procedure.

Let’s take a look at some demos!

First, let’s create a stored procedure with multiple statements

USE StackOverflow2010

SELECT Reputation FROM Users
WHERE DisplayName  = @Username

SELECT DownVotes FROM Users
WHERE DisplayName  = @Username

Great! Now, I’ll execute the procedure.

--Clear your plan cache for this demo
EXEC TestStatements 'Arthur'
GO 10

Perfect. I ran it 10 times to ensure the plan stays in cache for my other demos. Now, my favorite plan cache view is sys dm_exec_query_stats since it has the statistics on usage.

FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats as s
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(s.sql_handle) as s_text

So we have two entries for this stored procedure. I included the statement sql handle to show that each statement handle has its own text. Let’s parse that text to see each statement. I copied the parsing SQL from this Plan Cache article.

SUBSTRING(text, (statement_start_offset/2) + 1,
((CASE statement_end_offset
ELSE statement_end_offset
END - statement_start_offset)/2) + 1) AS query_text,
FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats as s
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(s.sql_handle) as s_text

So there’s one entry per statement inside sys dm_exec_query_stats. Let’s take a look at another plan cache DMV, dm_exec_cached_plans.

s.objtype from sys.dm_exec_cached_plans as s
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(s.plan_handle) as s_text

In this view, only the top entry is for the stored procedure. In my opinion, this brings us to a total of three objects in the plan cache for this stored procedure.

I’ll make another post about clearing stored procedures from the plan cache! Thanks for reading, stay tuned!

Index maintenance freebies

I didn’t expect anything for free in index maintenance. After all, it takes a lot of CPU and transaction log space to remove fragmentation.

Let’s talk about two things that SQL Server does for us: one statistic is created per index we create, and when we rebuild that index, we get fresh statistics. We can also update statistics with full scan on our own, without needing to rebuild the index.

For all the time we spend rebuilding our indexes, often the big performance gain we get is from the fresh statistics and those statistics are made with full scan.

Let’s get some proof

Using StackOverflow2010, here’s my index.

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX ix_Location_CreationDate ON dbo.Users
(Location, CreationDate)
INCLUDE (Reputation);

Now, let’s update the statistics with the automatic sample size.

UPDATE STATISTICS Users (ix_Location_CreationDate);
Statistics details in SSMS

I say that index needs to be rebuilt, at least for the purposes of this demo.

ALTER INDEX ix_Location_CreationDate ON dbo.Users REBUILD;

Now taking a second look at the statistics:

Moral of the post

Statistics are automatically updated with the default sample size when a certain amount of data changes. I won’t talk about what that certain amount is, because it changes in major versions of SQL Server. What that means to us is that data changes can occasionally change statistics, which can mean worse performance.

Then, when the index maintenance jobs run and rebuild the indexes, the statistics get a full sample of the data. This means that your performance might improve from fresh statistics alone.

Stay tuned!

Query tuning: The IN clause

Update (2019/02/08): Originally the index definition on this post was on Users(DisplayName) INCLUDE Age. This was preventing an Index Seek because I wanted to show an Index Scan. I didn’t mention it in the original, but it’s clear to me that I made a mistake. Thank you to Bryan and John in the comments for pointing this out. Given that information I have re-written this post.

This post will cover the IN clause and another way to rewrite the same logic. I don’t intend to say that IN is better or worse than other T-SQL, I just want to showcase what it does.

We’ll jump right into the demos. I’m using StackOverflow2010 for this, and I’m going to create an index to be used by this query.

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX ix_Age_DisplayName on Users (Age)
 INCLUDE (DisplayName)
SELECT DisplayName
FROM Users as u
WHERE Age IN (96,97,98,99,100)

Okay, cool. Let’s take a look at the Index Seek.

I want to focus on the bottom part. SQL Server decided to split our query into a series of Seek Keys.

This has interesting implications for how our query was optimized. Let’s take a look at another way of writing the same query.

SELECT DisplayName
FROM Users as u
SELECT 100 as Age ) as A1 on A1.Age = u.Age

This query will get the same result set. This time, let’s run both queries in the same batch. Ignore the Query Cost, just look at the different execution plans.

This is what query tuning is all about. Rewriting a query in two different ways to see if the optimizer will pick a different execution plan.

Comparing the IN clause vs the UNION ALL

There’s two significant differences in these plans. Let’s take a look at the execution plans, using the execution plan comparison feature in Management Studio.

Click on the whole comparison if you’re curious. I’ll zoom in on the differences below. The first plan using the IN clause is on the left. The second plan using the UNION ALL is on the right.

One thing to note is the Optimization level is different. The first query using the IN statement only received trivial optimization while the UNION query received full.

Taking a look at how the predicates were applied

I showed how the Seek Keys were applied above, but here’s the predicates from the Index Seek when using the UNION ALL approach:

And of course, the number of rows read:

Moral of the post

The point of this post is that query tuning can be as simple as re-writing the IN clause. I don’t want to say that either way is better, since it depends on your environment.

Don’t rewrite code unless there’s already a performance issue, and if you do, test it thoroughly.

My alternative to sp_WhoIsActive

I use sp_WhoIsActive a lot. I’m extremely grateful for Adam Machanic writing it. It has tons of options that let you specify exactly the information that you need for troubleshooting.

So why did I write a different query to get activity?

There’s some systems where sp_WhoIsActive is too slow. It could be resource related, like CPU, memory, or TempDB pressure, or it could be the DMVs. I’ll talk about that later, I wanted to introduce the idea that there’s situations where you can’t use sp_WhoIsActive.

In that kind of system, you need a lightweight query that can still get the SQL text that the users submitted, along with some similar metrics that you’re used to seeing.

Just three DMVs for this query

I’m just using dm_exec_requests, dm_exec_sessions and dm_exec_input_buffer.

SELECT s.session_id, 
FROM sys.dm_exec_requests as r
JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions as s
	 on s.session_id = r.session_id
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_input_buffer(s.session_id, r.request_id) as i
WHERE s.session_id != @@SPID
and s.is_user_process = 1 
--Remove the line above if you want to see system processes

Now, I want to show you a side-by-side comparison of the results. The result sets are very similar, on purpose because I tried to get the same information from dm_exec_requests and dm_exec_sessions.

I’m running a workload using SQLQueryStress, another tool from Adam Machanic. Please click the image to view the full image, they’re huge screenshots.

First, the results from sp_WhoIsActive.

Partial column list of sp_WhoIsActive, there’s more columns available

Now the results from my query.

My query, current activity.

Pros and Cons of each query

Let me the first one to say: sp_WhoIsActive is better. For 99.9% of servers, you want to use sp_WhoIsActive. It’s more user-friendly, it’s more accurate, and it has many more DMVs used to gather information.

There’s also the matter of the sql_text vs event_info. In sp_WhoIsActive, you’re seeing the exact snippet of sql text that’s currently running. This is awesome, and much better.

However, I noticed that some of my SQL Servers would take a really long time to access the DMVs for sql text. To reduce that overhead, my query uses event_info, which will include information like “@PostType = 3” which is the literal and entire text that the user submitted to SQL Server.

If you find my query useful

If this post is useful to you, please let me know. I’m very open to suggestions and ideas on how to improve my version!

Memory Grants part 6: Memory used in aggregate functions (Min/Max/etc)

So far in this series, I’ve been focusing on the Sort operator. It’s pretty easy for demos since I can just write a statement with an ORDER BY and there will be memory requested.

However, there’s another way to get a memory grant easily. That’s when you need to do some aggregation, such as MAX or MIN.

Starting with a demo in StackOverflow2010

SELECT P.OwnerUserId
	,COUNT(*) as count_star
FROM Posts as P
GROUP BY P.OwnerUserId

This query is counting Posts per OwnerUserId, which is the current owner of the Posts.

First, let’s take a look at the query’s overall memory grant.

That’s for the whole query. Luckily, this query only has one operator that could use memory, the Hash Match (Aggregate). If you want to know which operators used memory, look for the Memory Fractions property in the execution plan.

Let’s take a look at that Hash Match’s properties

There’s our memory usage! However, it wasn’t enough memory for the query. While the query was running, it had to use some TempDB space to store the rest of the data, which we see in the warnings at the bottom.

TempDB spills deserve their own blog post. For now, I’ll just show exactly how much data was spilled to TempDB:

I wanted to write this post to show that using an aggregate like a COUNT will request a memory grant. It’s also important to note that if you include larger columns inside the query, you’ll get a large memory grant.

Using an aggregate like MIN or MAX on a large column

To demo a larger column in this query, I’ll add the Body column from the Posts table. It’s defined as Nvarchar(max).

SELECT P.OwnerUserId
	,MIN(Body) as smallest_post
	,COUNT(*) as count_star
FROM Posts as P
GROUP BY P.OwnerUserId

Now, the point of this change was not to remove the TempDB spill, but I do find it interesting. Here’s the new memory grant:

Now that we included a larger column in our aggregate, our query requested a couple hundred extra MBs of memory. It only used 20 MB but requested much more, because the Body column is nvarchar(max). If you’re interested in memory grants and data types, I have a post on that.

That’s the end of this post. If you’re curious about Hash Matches, take a look at Bert Wagner’s post on Hash Match. I’ll look at some other reasons for a memory grant beyond just the aggregates in a later post too. Stay tuned!

The Execution plan comparison feature (in SSMS)

Did you know that you can compare two execution plans in SQL Server Management?

It’s really cool. I use it a lot, as my first stop to compare performance. Let’s take two execution plans from my series on parameter sniffing.

Demo comparing execution plans

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[QueryPostType] (@PostType INT) as

SELECT PostTypeId, Tags, Body 
FROM Posts 
WHERE PostTypeId = @PostType

exec QueryPostType @PostType = 1

--I cleared the plan cache before running this second test.

exec QueryPostType @PostType = 3

We’re in the StackOverflow 2010 database. The PostType parameter will give us these two execution plans.

In this example, we can see there’s different operators on the Posts table. But in the real world, execution plans are much more complex. That’s where execution plan comparison comes in. Just save one of the execution plans then right-click and pick compare execution plans.

Our first view looks like this, which isn’t super useful.

But there’s a better way. First, uncheck the box says “Highlight similar operations” and then check “Highlight operators not matching similar segments”

Great! So if we pick the SELECT operators. Take a look at all the differences that are highlighted.

We see in the parameter list that each plan was compiled for a different compiled value. Take a look at the Actual Number of Rows, and all the other differences.

Thanks for reading! I hope this was a useful starting place when you’re comparing execution plans. Stay tuned.

It’s always parameter sniffing (Part 2): SET options

This is the sequel to “It’s always parameter sniffing (part 1).” In that post, we identified the stored procedure, and found a plan in cache that had some weird execution times.

This time, we’ll try to reproduce the issue in SQL Server Management Studio, and I’ll show why you need the SET options from the plan cache.

The setup

We’re using the stored procedure, QueryPostType, which takes a parameter of PostTypeId. In StackOverflow2010, the Post Type 1 has 1.1 million rows in the Posts table, and Post Type 3 has 28 rows.

The user calls in and tells us that they’re trying to find all the Post Types of 3, so it should be easy to reproduce, right? I’ll return statistics time to show you how long it took to execute on my machine.

set statistics time on;
exec QueryPostType @PostType = 3;

-- SQL Server Execution Times:
-- CPU time = 0 ms,  elapsed time = 88 ms.

Based on those results, the query runs fast in SSMS. If you’ve been doing performance tuning for a while, you’re ready for this next statement.

The query runs fast in SSMS but slow in the app!

To me, that means that we didn’t get the right plan from cache. For some reason, our query didn’t retrieve a cached plan. It would be really nice if we could use the “RetrievedFromCache” value inside execution plans…but it’s just not reliable.

So what do we do now? In my opinion, our next step is to check the “SET” options. These are settings that users can change on their applications/connections, and they will give a separate execution plan when used.

Checking settings on the cached plan

Let’s check on our query’s settings in the execution plan, and then we can check on the plan in cache.

These are the settings and actual execution plan from the query above.

Now let’s query the plan cache and check out the plan in there. I’m returning the execution count too, see why in a second.

SELECT dm_plan.query_plan, 
FROM sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats as stat
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(stat.plan_handle) as dm_plan
WHERE object_name(stat.object_id) = 'QueryPostType'
Guess which one is from the application?

In this example, the plan with 126 executions is from the application. In the real world, that number could be much, much higher. Let’s open that plan and see what settings were used there.

Here’s the plan it created, just in case you’re curious about the shape of the plan in cache.

Arithabort was off in the application

This post isn’t about the “right” settings, it’s about retrieving the right plan from cache! Let’s go back to our previous example and turn it off, then hopefully we’ll retrieve the plan from cache.

EXEC QueryPostType @PostType = 3;
-- SQL Server Execution Times:
-- CPU time = 1468 ms,  elapsed time = 1493 ms.

I’ve never been so happy to see parameter sniffing. And we even got the index scan plan.

I hope this was useful! This happened to me today and I had to find the SET options from the plan cache. Stay tuned.

Memory Grants part 5: Query hints

Proceed with caution, if you’re thinking of using query hints. This post will specifically cover min_grant_percent and max_grant_percent.

My opinion on query hints is that you’re often better off tuning the query, than using a query hint. Especially if you have time to consider using a query hint, you should take enough time trying to tune the query first.

Okay, now that we’re done with the disclaimers, what does max_grant_percent do?

Max_grant_percent will set a maximum memory grant for the query. The percent is based on the maximum memory available for a query, formula here.

Without a hint, the formula is:

(Maximum SQL Server memory * 90%) * 25%

Demo time! First, creating the table from Memory Grants part 3.

CREATE TABLE BigMemoryGrant (Id INT IDENTITY(1,1), column1 NVARCHAR(max));

CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX cx_BigMemoryGrant on BigMemoryGrant(Id);

INSERT INTO BigMemoryGrant
FROM sys.messages

INSERT INTO BigMemoryGrant
FROM sys.messages

INSERT INTO BigMemoryGrant
FROM sys.messages

And we’ll use the same query. I’ll run it again for a baseline.

SELECT * FROM BigMemoryGrant
ORDER BY column1
1.82 GB Memory grant with no hint

Add in max_grant_percent.

SELECT * FROM BigMemoryGrant
ORDER BY column1
OPTION(max_grant_percent = 50)
913 MB

Perfect! So the query still desires about 4 GB of memory, but since we applied our hint, the query receives 50% of the maximum memory grant.

Then with the hint, it becomes:

(Maximum SQL Server * 90%) * 25% * (max_grant_percent value)

What about min_grant_percent?

We need a query that gets a small memory grant to test this hint. I’ll re-use the SmallMemoryGrant table from Part 4.

CREATE TABLE SmallMemoryGrant (Id INT IDENTITY(1,1), column1 NVARCHAR(max));
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX cx_SmallMemoryGrant on SmallMemoryGrant(Id);
INSERT INTO SmallMemoryGrant
SELECT top 10 'A'
FROM sys.messages
INSERT INTO SmallMemoryGrant
SELECT top 10 'B'
FROM sys.messages
INSERT INTO SmallMemoryGrant
SELECT top 10 'C'
FROM sys.messages
--Run query once to see the memory grant size, get actual execution plan
SELECT * FROM SmallMemoryGrant
ORDER BY column1
With no hint, 1 MB memory grant
SELECT * FROM SmallMemoryGrant
ORDER BY column1
OPTION(min_grant_percent = 50)
With 50 percent min_grant_percent, we get 913 MB memory for this query

Interesting! I haven’t used min_grant_percent, but it has the inverse behavior of max_grant_percent. Both hints are based on the maximum query memory grant formula, but they move the memory grant in different directions.

(Maximum SQL Server memory * 90%) * 25% * (min_grant_percent value)

When are these hints useful?

As stated in the disclaimer, when your query is still getting the wrong memory grants after hours and hours of performance tuning. Once you’ve done that much legwork, and tested multiple parameters, in multiple environments, I could possible use this hint.

In my experience, this hint becomes useful when a query has very inaccurate row estimates. That can mean other performance issues are there, which is why I recommend query tuning so much.

Stay tuned! I hope you’re enjoying this memory grant series.

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