Can you drop a table that’s used in a stored procedure?

Today’s post comes directly from a conversation with a close friend of mine who is a developer. Since developers deploy changes often, they need to know what order to execute their changes in.

The answer is yes, but there’s a catch

By default, normal stored procedures don’t prevent you from dropping a table. Let’s look at a demo.

INTO TestTable
FROM sys.messages

SELECT * FROM sys.messages
GO 10

That should give us plenty of junk data. Now we need a procedure, so let’s SELECT * from that new table.

CREATE PROCEDURE [Query_TestTable] as 

Now we just need to drop the table.

Once we drop the table, the stored procedure returns an error.

But I said there’s a catch. The catch is if the stored procedure is currently running, you can’t drop the procedure.

First, re-run the script to create the table and insert some rows.

Second, start running the procedure. Then run the drop table command and watch it wait. I’ll use sp_WhoIsActive to take a look at the current running processes.

LCK_M_X (sound familiar?)

It looks a lot like LCK_M_SCH_S, which I previously blogged about here.

In this case, the X stands for exclusive. Before we can drop the table, the stored procedure has to finish using the table.

Thanks for reading! Stay tuned.

Is SQL Server using all of your server’s memory?

I’ve worked with a lot of great system administrators and developers. There’s one unusual thing about working with databases that’s often confusing for non-DBAs. This post is to help in those situations.

When an application is using 80-95% of a system’s memory, that’s concerning

Yes, even if it’s Chrome. Close some Chrome tabs please!

However, in the database world, your DBAs will tell you that it’s fine for SQL Server to consume lots of memory. They say that because databases want lots of memory by design. Databases use memory to store and retrieve data fast!

Your database administrators have control of how much memory is used by SQL Server

It’s right here, in SQL Server Management Studio. Right click on the server name, and go to properties.

Is 10,0000 MB the default setting?

No, I set that up for a very small server specifically for this demo. Don’t pick 10,000 just because I did.

However even in the latest version of SQL Server, the default setting is 2,147,483,647 megabytes. That does mean that SQL Server could eventually use up your entire system’s memory. Bummer.

What to do when SQL Server is using a lot of server memory

If you’re still worried about how much memory is being used by the SQL Server, check that setting. If your company has database administrators, talk to them. Check on the link for the default setting, there’s some general advice in there.

End of the post

The main moral of this story is: please don’t reboot your servers just because SQL Server is using a lot of memory. It will start to consume memory once it starts running again, and the process will repeat.

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