Why NOLOCK could bite you

It’s no secret that a lot of DBAs don’t like the NOLOCK hint. Often, people will discuss the myriad of issues that can happen.

Introduction to NOLOCK

If you aren’t familiar with NOLOCK, it’s a query hint that can be applied to each table in a query. This hint tells SQL Server to change isolation level from Read Committed to Read Uncommitted. In plainer words, the query can now read data before and during the process of writing to the storage.

The main reason that this is bad is that your query can return bad data. That’s pretty bad.

But let me introduce you to another issue that can occur, which is blocking on the schema, AKA the wait type LCK_M_SCH_S.

What does LCK_M_SCH_S mean?

It means that the current session is trying to acquire a lock on the schema to make a change to an object in the schema. You might think that your environment doesn’t make changes to the schema too often, but there’s a few scenarios when that kind of lock is required.

Let’s say we have a production incident, and we need to drop an index. Let’s try to do that while there’s a query running on this table (using StackOverflow 2010).

FROM Comments (NOLOCK)

On my machine, this query takes almost a minute to run. While this query runs, let’s create an index on this table.

ix_test ON Comments(Score)

Taking a look at activity using sp_WhoIsActive, we can see that creating the index and running the query are compatible.

But here’s the tricky part: even though we could create the index, we can’t get rid of it now! Let’s try to drop it, and I’ll re-run the same Comments query first.

I also start a new “SELECT *” query, but it looks like now that I’m dropping an index, that new query is now waiting. Both queries haven’t done any work yet, just waiting for session 59 to finish.

What’s the solution?

Well, honestly there’s no easy fix once your environment has queries with NOLOCK applied in Production. You can try to avoid this issue by never dropping an index in Production, but what’s to stop another DBA or someone with sysadmin rights from creating an index or two?

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